Win choice of Color Daich Coating SpreadStone Countertop Finishing Kit review RV: 199.95 #giveaway #USA #Canada

Review of Spread Stone Countertop Kit:
If you are in the market of flipping houses, Or getting your own house ready to put on the market...or just wanting to do some remolding in your old ugly drab kitchen counters etc, look no further than they have everything in this Spread Stone Countertop Kit, you have choices of eleven Spread Stone colors as seen below in photos, that will go with any home decor...Change your drab kitchen countertops in one weekend, It's not paint.

Select Colors Choice Here

Their products are 100% real stone coatings, that does take a bit of elbow work, but the results are so worth it, plus anyone that has ever replaced counter tops.. they know how long it take just to order your counter tops and take the sink out and install them etc. this by far is so much better and all around cheaper in cost, just by using your old counter tops. Without having to remove them or the sink etc, of course you will want to throw plastic on your appliances etc, as seen in these photos on this post.
To protect them from the Sand dust, Everything you need comes complete in this Spread Stone Countertop Kit.. just measure your complete countertops, it will cover 40sqft. this Kit can also be used on Interior Kitchen Counters, Bathroom Counters, Bar Tops, Kitchen Tables, Coffee Tables, Exterior Patio Furniture, and more!
Whenever your little heart desires!! Features & Benefits Excellent Long Term Durability Stain Resistant Heat Resistant Water Resistant Impact & Abrasion Resistant Freeze & Thaw Protection Mold & Mildew Resistant U/V Brittle Resistant.
In conclusion:
However, it is messy and dusty if you do it the way the directions show you, plus the Kit did not contain a mask or enough sand paper to get the job done in our opinion. 
So you will need to purchase those items in advance.. in the Kit it came with two small sand papers, plus we think that there should be a second can for the first application, it came with one can of the base coat.. and you really have to use every last drop to make a full coverage, I suppose that might be different if the countertops where lighter in color..these countertops in this place we where working with, are a grayish blue.
For this oyster color:
We found that using a paint brush actually helps the application go on much's certainly is a win win.. it is so pretty and shining, wouldn't you agree? 
Overall you will get a brand new look, out with the old in with the new.. SpreadStone Countertop Finishing kit This Kit Contains – Base Coat, Stone Coat, Clear Coat, Roller Handle, Rollers, Paint Brush and Mini Roller Tray.

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